Behind the Camera

How people see the world is one thing. How people share their vision of the world is the best thing.

Alan Jackson

This is what photography is for me – a chance to share my perspective of what’s in front of the camera. Whether it’s a building, a car, a diamond or a doctor, capturing the emotion and meaning of a single moment in a single image is always the point and the challenge.


However, the real rewards of shooting photos are the people that come with the process. The very nature of photography encourages collaboration, creates great stories and inevitably leads to lasting relationships. For me it’s not what I’m shooting, it’s about who is with me behind, and in front of the camera.


For over 30 years some of the most interesting and engaging people have shared their vision of the world with me and indulged my perspective through the lens. The results consistently turn clients into friends and good photos into great photography. Form really does follow focus.
